
Payment Method

In order to subscribe to either one of the package you are interested in, you should proceed  to payment for the package. There are two methods that you are able to pay:

  1. Bank Deposit

Deposit the amount to the bank account below and sent a sms in this format:
BI*Bank*Amount*Date(DDMMYY)*Time (24 hour)*NAME*HP NO to 0182672731

Example: BI*Maybank*50*010213*1444*Ali*0123456789

maybank logo

    NAME:                      BRAPAKARALINGAM a/l MAHALINGAM

    Account Number    :105010122383

bank islam logo

Account Number  :05012025986865

2. Pay using PayPal

Paying through paypal is another easy method for users. User just click 'add to cart' for the interested package. After finalizing the package just click checkout and the page would redirect to paypal payment page. Just proceed with the payment procedures. Once you have completed the paymet procedures just sms the following format to 0182672731.

Paypal*paypal-email*Amount*Date(DDMMYY)*Time (24 hour)*NAME*HP NO to 0182672731

Example: PayPal*Ali@gmail.com*50*010213*1444*Ali*0123456789

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